Examples of Specific Assistance Available to Foundations from Investment Business Advisors LLC.
- Investment Education Needs (Initial & Ongoing)
- Foundation Board
- Principals
- Supporting Staff
- Investment Committee
- Investment Staffing Model
- Mix of In-house/Outsourced Capabilities
- Aligned with Foundation Mission & Capabilities
- Assist with Recruitment, Training and Succession Plans (as needed)
- Alignment of Foundation Philanthropic Mission with…
- Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
- Asset Allocation Policy and Monitoring Program
- Asset/Liability Matching
- Risk Tolerance
- Cash Flow Needs
- Alignment of Foundation related Operating Business with…
- Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
- Asset Allocation Policy and Monitoring Program
- Asset/Liability Matching
- Risk Tolerance and Profile
- Cash Flow Needs
- Investment Advisor/Consultant
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Selection, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Reporting to Foundation Board and Staff
- Investment Manager Selection and Monitoring Program In Context of “Best Practices”
- Overall 5 Part Comprehensive Due Diligence Program
- Investment Strategy, Investment Process, Investment Team, Investment Committee Assessments
- Fund/Account Vehicle: Constitutional Documents, Governance, Terms & Financial Crisis Lessons Learned
- Management Firm:
- Type, Registration Status, Constitutional Documents, Ownership Structure, Equity Sharing
- Governance (Board and Management Committee)
- Investment Process and Investment Business Management Processes/Best Practices/Workflow Analysis
- Other Standard “Operational Due Diligence (“Ops DD”) Assessments
- Overall 5 Part Comprehensive Due Diligence Program
- Review Current Managers
- Assess in Terms of Foundation Criteria and Best Practices
- Recommend Framework For Enhancements
- Evaluate Results
- Assist with Implementation of Approved Changes
- Review Current Managers
- Consideration of “Alternative Investments” for Foundation Portfolio
- What are “Alternative Investments”?
- What are Key Characteristics?
- If Alternatives fit…
- What kind of Alternatives: hedge funds, private equity, real estate and/or commodities, and
- Which specific alternatives strategies (e.g., global macro, equity long-short, event driven, relative value, distressed credit, etc.)
- What size allocation?
- What are key lessons to be learned from 2008-09 Financial Crisis
- Madoff Ponzi Scheme and other Fund Frauds and Failures?
- Effective Investment Oversight
- Assess Current Effectiveness of Investment Oversight Processes
- Determine Short-comings and Gaps
- Plan and Execute Enhancements
- Assess Results
- Customize Based on specific Foundation Needs, Context of Industry Best Practices
- Monitoring Investments
- Monthly and Quarterly Reports
- Go Beyond “The Performance Numbers”
- Focus on Other Qualitative and Quantitative Factors
- Strategy Consistency
- Style Drift
- Portfolio Risk Profile
- Liquidity and Use of Leverage
- Holdings Turnover
- Staff Turnover
- Potential Manager Conflicts of Interest
- Extent of Portfolio and Manager Transparency
- Other Factors
- Alignment of Foundation Investment Portfolios with Asset Manager(s)
- Determining Alignment Based on Factors including:
- Fund Strategy
- Fund Terms
- Co-investments of Manager/Portfolio Team
- Material Co-investment (skin-in-the-game”)
- On Same Terms as Investor
- No Special Liquidity Rights
- Conflict of Interest Safeguards
- Alignment of Firm Investment Strategy with Firm Business Strategy
- Alignment of Compensation Program (e.g., structure, level of compensation) with Investment Strategy and Fund Terms)
- Alignment of Performance Management Program and Criteria with Investor Interests
- Criteria for Closing Fund and Alignment with Investor Interests
- Etc.
- Determining Alignment Based on Factors including:
- Other Assessment and Implementation Projects Based on Foundation Needs and Priorities
See Abstract and Table of Contents for White Paper Published on “Family Offices and Alternative Investments”